
Extra Fee:

Car rental

We recommend Istron Top Cars, a local reputable company with good vehicles and services.
They deliver to either Heraklion or Istron. You may contact with Anna-Maria Weber at istrontopcars@live.de for a direct consultation or visit the website www.istrontopcars.de to see available vehicles.


We can arrange babysitting. One day notice.

Chef and butler services

We can provide cook and/or service waiter. Inform us when you make your booking

Banquet & parties
We can organize for you banquets with live music in your villa, in the restaurant, at the beach etc. Also, children’s parties or special events can be arranged.
Seminars of Gastronomic Interest

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NLP Seminars

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Arrange Excursions

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Take a leisure trip to the most beautiful parts of Crete

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